no matter how much rain pours down, the sun will always come out

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sibling Rivalry

I laid on the dock with my feet in the cold, dark water. I just wasn’t in the mood to party; I wasn’t in the mood to do anything. I felt sick to my stomach. I stared up at the moon, curiosity building, I thought of Cory. I thought of how I’ll never see him again. I thought of how we’ll never share any more memories together. I thought of how guilty I felt and how it was my fault. Before I could cry into a full out sob, a face appeared in front of mine, startling my thoughts. I turned around and stood to face the stranger.
This can’t be possible. I stood in disbelief as my brother stood before me. “Cory,” I croaked, “My little Cory.”
 He didn’t say anything but just stared on instead. I reached out to touch him. He didn’t move, but as I reached my hand towards his it just fell through his transparent body.
I gasped in shock, “Oh my God, you’re a ghost! Oh my God!”
“You killed me Charlie. Of course I’m a ghost,” he bitterly replied back.
“I didn’t mean it, Cory, I swear. It was all an accident. If I could take back that night I would. You can’t blame me please, I already feel guilty enough.”
“Good, you should. You took my life away from me. I was only ten years old; I still had my whole life left. I had a future. But you decided to drive reckless, you decided to put me in danger. You killed me.”
“NO!” I screamed, “No Cory! It was the other driver’s fault, he was drunk. I would never put you in danger, I love you too much.” Guilt flowed throughout my body and ran in my veins. I didn’t mean for any of that to happen, never. I had to show my brother I was sorry.
“If you really loved me, you wouldn’t have let me die. You would have protected me like a sister should. You were a bad sister, Charlie, you never treated me right.”
Tears flowed down my face. This had to be a nightmare. I was being haunted, not just in my dreams but even when I was awake. I couldn’t handle this. My heart was pounding through my chest, my breathing grew heavier and more rapid. I must be losing my mind.
“I’m going to make you suffer,” said Cory. “If I can’t live, then neither can you.”
Before I could respond, he darted at me and I fell into the pond. Water filled my lungs, ears, mouth, everything. I couldn’t think straight; I needed air. I tried to swim towards the surface, but I couldn’t. I looked down my watched my brother tied some weeds around my legs. I started to panic and wildly moved my body trying to get untangled.
Cory’s face then appeared in front of mine. “Goodbye, Sis.” He laughed sinisterly as I helplessly tried to save myself. Slowly I started to lose consciousness and with my lasting breath I looked Cory in the eyes and mouthed I’m sorry. My hearts slowed to a stop, my eyes gently closed, and silently I sank to the bottom of the pond.