no matter how much rain pours down, the sun will always come out

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

She Has The Magic Touch

I stared off in disbelief. How could this be over, I asked myself, this can't be the end. But alas, it was. While my mind was busy turning over and over, running one hundred miles a minute, I tried to remember how I ever let this happen in the first place. Droplets of water fell onto the palm of my hand and I realized that tears were gently sliding down my rosy cheeks. Why did this affect me so much? Why am I losing control? And then it hit me. I won't ever be able to cast a spell again. I will never again be able to experience the thrill I got from dueling wizards or the pride I felt from taking down a mountain troll. I can never again fly away on a dragon, compete in a treacherous, thrilling competition, win the house cup, defeat the basilisk in the chamber, become a fugitive, meet some interesting people, make lifelong friends, and save the world. What am I going to do, how will I survive? I knew I was being over-dramatic, but I didn't care. I was lost in my own world, in an endless sea of emotions. I didn't know what to feel, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do. I was lost.

"Kris, are you okay," my mother asked me, "you look baffled." She came across me lounging on the swing out back, staring off into space. I just looked at her, my heart filled with grief, and simply replied, "It's over." She looked down at me and smiled. "I know sweetie, but it's not the end of the world. Come on up I made your favorite for dinner." And just like that she left. I sat there for a moment and though about what she said. Yeah, I told myself, she is right. The world is not going to end, just this world for me. I quickly wiped the tears that stained my face and stood up. I knew that even though I felt lost now, I'll feel better again soon. Every ending has a new beginning and I was ready to take it on. I said goodbye to my fantasy world, the world I've known and loved forever, and made my way to the kitchen. Before I sat down to devour my meal, I silently thanked J.K Rowling for creating  Harry Potter and the magical world that she allowed me to live in.

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