no matter how much rain pours down, the sun will always come out

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Adrenline Junkie

I fell out of my seat and hit the floor as my phone sprung to life. I reached my hand over my desk trying to find my little phone just to stop the annoying tune playing out of it. God, I need to change the ringtone. I grabbed it and peered at the caller id, "Bobby's Cell." I instantly felt a twinge of annoyance; Bobby always calls for no reason and this time he woke me up from my much needed sleep. I answered the phone angrily, “What Bobby?”
"Kris, you need to get here now. There's no time to explain."
I became worried. "Okay, where are you?"
"I'm at the hospital. Carli's been seriously hurt." He sounded upset, which wasn't good. Carli is Bobby's girlfriend and my best friend.
I rushed up and grabbed my keys. "Alright, I'll be right there." And just like that I was out the door.
Carli is an aderline-junkie. She always puts herself at risks. She says she loves feeling invincible, loves feeling as though she can do anything. Anyway, you're only young once, which is her response to everything. Personally, what I think she does for fun is more dangerous. She's landed herself in the hospital a few times, but by the sound of Bobby's voice this time was serious.
Carli was in the hospital three times this past year and eleven times in total. She's broken her arm after diving off a cliff and hitting the rocks below. She's sprained both her ankles after jumping off the boardwalk. She sprained her neck from whiplash after her bungee cord snapped. And yes, there were many more things she's done, none of them smart to say the least, but hey, that was Carli for you.
I reached the hospital, parked, and ran to the emergency room. Bobby jumped up when he saw me and rushed over.
"What happened?" I demanded.
"Carli was riding on a dirt bike and rode up a hill and tried to do a back flip. It didn't end up very well; she landed on her head with the bike on top of her." This girl has seriously lost her mind, I thought to myself.
Sometime has past when the doctor allowed us back to see Carli. He said she was going to be alright, however, she cannot do anything that puts her at risk for a while. She broken a few vertebras in her neck and is going to have to wear a brace for a while.
Bobby and I walked back and greeted Carli.
"Carli, what were you thinking? You've never even rode a dirt bike before."
Carli smiled. "It looked easy enough. You’re only young once. Anyways I already thought of skydiving without a parachute after I get this brace off."
I laughed to myself. Yes, that was my best friend Carli. As crazy as she was, I loved her to death.

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